ELIZABETH | Back To Basics 4 Life Fitness


Shadi sharing Elizabeth's success story for personal fitness

Well done to Elizabeth, it doesn’t matter how old you are. If a 60 year old can get in the gym and train strength in her core and stability, so can you guys. Elizabeth came to me having no core or stability or balance, she is now able to do walking lunges with dumbbells. Little baby steps is all it takes. “Rome was not built in one day.”

Elizabeth’s Testimonial

I have been with Shadi for sometime now. she is amazing what’s she does and how she caters to every person needs. she’s not only looking after myself but my kids when I’m there and also my mum when she trains with me which is amazing because she caters for the older generation as well. she has also helped me with the meal planing to get healthier and stronger not only for me but for my kids. if you have injuries or ongoing problems she caters around them to help you to keep going with your training andto keep you focus on your goal so you can keep lose weight and get you were you want to be. she is always motivating you and helping you keep on track even if.you habe a bad day as we all have them ,Shadi is always there for you when you need her she’s not just a personal trainer that helps you get to your goal but she’s amazing person all around. we will never leave her one amazing human being.
